Core Values

Overview of Core Values

Prayerful Dependence

As individual believers and as a local church we cooperate with the Spirit of God in remaining humble and focused on God’s agenda as we stay connected to our Heavenly Father through prayer. Prayer is vital for the health of the Christian and for the health of the local church. Thus, as a local church, we seek to bring all we do before the Lord in prayer submitting to His will and not our own.

Biblical Leadership

The New Testament seems to indicate that the congregation should have the ultimate authority in the church. It also indicates that the church should be led by a group of pastors who are entrusted to lead the church in purity of doctrine, distinction in living, direction in vision, and accountability. This is to be coupled with deacons who serve in specific areas of ministry throughout the church.

Biblical Church Membership

We believe that membership matters. As Christians we are called to live in community with one another. Church membership involves a formal commitment to serve and invest in the life of a local body of believers.

Authentic Christian Relationships

Spiritual transformation happens only in community, not in isolation. Therefore we commit to building authentic relationships with one another. We seek to know and be known by our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Biblical Corporate Worship

Since Scripture is the very Word of God, we believe it to be both inerrant and infallible; as such it serves as the only sure guide for what we teach and how we do church. Biblical corporate worship is both guided by the Word of God and composed of the Word of God. Expository preaching takes Scripture as its object and aims to clearly communicate the meaning of the text.

Mission Mentality

Believers are called to be both salt and light to the world. As Christians, we are to stand for morality and virtue. We seek to promote personal evangelism in the lives of each of our members. We commit to work together and with other believing fellowships to evangelize both our communities and to carry the gospel throughout the world.

Biblical Discipleship

We believe conversion is the beginning of the Christian life, not its end. The ultimate goal is transformation of the believer from sinfulness to holiness, from wickedness to godliness. Although transformation takes place only by the work of the Holy Spirit, we see the local church as an essential tool which He uses to conform God’s people to Christ’s image. We aim to cooperate with the Spirit of God in making disciples of all ages.

Gospel Centered

It is the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ that saves, sustains, and secures. Therefore, we aim to center our life as a church on the gospel. It is not only the power that saves us but it is also the power that sanctifies us and helps us persevere to the end. As a gospel-centered fellowship, the glorious truths of the gospel never get old but instead consistently remind us of our identity and purpose.