We have a variety of small groups that meet together throughout the week. Small groups are designed to offer fellowship, foster deeper relationships, learn from Scripture, and care for each other in regular prayer. Here are some of the types of small groups currently represented at Cornerstone:
Women’s Small Group
This small group meets a few times a month and is open to any woman. There is typically of time of corporate prayer, teaching and discussion. These typically met in member homes.
Various Member Homes
Cornerstone Companion’s Group
This small group meets each Wednesday at 11:00am at the church. This group is led by Pastor Charlie who offers a devotional and leads in a time of prayer. Participants often go to lunch together following the meeting.
Wednesday | 10:30 AM
Church chapel
Adult Home Groups
There are various adult home groups that meet a few times a month in member homes throughout the community. These are open to members and non-members. Normally there is a time of sharing, prayer, guided discussion, and many opportunities for fellowship.
Various Member Homes
Student/Young Adult Home Group
This small group meets a few times a month in member homes. A lesson is taught, often focused on applying principles or teasing out points from a recent sermon. Participants break up into smaller groups for accountability and prayer.
Various Member Homes